
I started tri-ing the summer of 2000, one year after my daughter was born. I figured I could do all the sports seperately, but could I do them all together? Well, did Danksin that year and there has been no looking back...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Appleman 2008

Hmmm...not too sure what to make of this race...felt good going in...not so good with the results...strange day for sure.

It wasn't one thing, but maybe a bunch of little things...but I'll get to that.

Met up with Cheryl and Suzy at 6:30 am, got the gear ready and walked down to transition. Parked our bikes and got our goodie bags...Suzy's wasn't ready so they slapped one together including hand writing the numbers on pieces of paper for her bike and run...

The transition area was tight as it was small and had over 500 athletes...but as luck would have it, I was on a rack leading out of transition and had a fair amount of room on the other side to throw my stuff. cool. Began setting up and chit-chatted with the ladies in the area. The woman next to me said she wasn't having a great training season, let alone race season, so we talked about the best way to attack the race and just take it one part at a time (she did great, and looked good at the finish). I met back up with Cheryl and Suzy and headed down to the beach to get in the water and warm up a bit.

It was muggy, but fortunately the sun wasn't out so it wasn't too bad. Got in and did a decent warm-up, narrowly missing 3-4 head on collisions w/swimmers coming in. (whoops) The water was clear and they had treated the lake earlier in the year, so the weeds were in control (yes!).

Listened to some pre-race announcements (tried to anyway) and then the National anthem and buddhist monk chant - loved it! Suzy and I were in the last wave and Cheryl the one before us. Watched the other waves go off and figured the best place to be was on the far right. Some of the guys in the first two waves weren't doing too good, in fact a few turned around and came back to shore and one was swimming way off course - felt really bad for them!

The swim started out uneventful and I got to the 1st turn buoy no problem. Hugged it real close and kept on going. next time I went to site, I noticed I was WAY out and had to angle back to my right to get back close to the buoy line (what the?!?!) At this point I notice that my arms feel tired and my breathing isn't that great (a bit wheezy)...hmm, not good, decide to dial it back and recover. Ok, arms feel better but breathing is still messed, but manageable. Round the next turn buoy and head on in. In the next minute or so, I get swum over by the same person TWICE! and then my watch strap decides to start to undo...what next?? Nothing...out of the water in 15:31...

Run up the beach and thru the pools of water and do as quick a change as you can with a wetsuit on. T1: 2:32

Get on the bike and feel better, start pushing from the start as its a short rolling course and really wanted to fly. Ended up playing cat and mouse with another woman in my age was rather weird, just when I thought she pulled ahead and I wouldn't catch her, I would be right back in it. Passed her at one point and she says "you're really pissing me off"...uh, ok, then get in front of me and stay there! Sheesh. ANYWAY, I am in front now and I hear something, and look back and there she is hanging just off my back wheel to the left...and we stay this way for a couple of miles...where is a race official when you need one??? She does eventually get ahead and I thought for good, but I catch her just as we hit transition. Bike: 32:00

T2 actually goes according to plan - in and out in 0:46

The run STUNK from the get go...just couldn't get it together and my breathing was all messed up. I did beat the other woman out of T2, but she passes me within the 1st 1/4 mile or so. Harumph. Hit the 1st mile in 9 min or so and knew it was going to be tough from there on out. Legs didn't want to go, developed a stitch, looked like it was going to pour at any minute, so really high humidity...but fortunately, NO SUN! This is a nice run too, no real hills and part of it is in the woods. So keep assessing and trying to get rid of the stitch. Shortly after I turn into the woods, I see Cheryl up ahead. Yell to her to run with me and she turns around and says "Oh, CRAP!" and starts running again. Tell her she's looking AND doing good as I go by...I just want to get this done, so I don't stop. Once in the woods it's a bit trickier and I decide to walk a good portion of the hill. THIS ends up being my saving grace...breathing is easier the last 3/4 of a mile and I am able to get my legs back under me. So, I get it in gear, and am able to pick it up a bit - and feel more normal.

Run: 27:13

Total time: 1:18:03 8th in my AG (with drafting lady in 7th)

Overall, I was slower in every leg EXCEPT for T2! Go figure. Going back thru the race in my mind, it's tough to figure out. No idea why I got tired on the swim...that has never happened before...I felt really good on the ride and well the run just plain stunk. I think it was combination of things...I had run 8 miles on Wed (1st time at that distance in many years), then jumped on a plane and was away until Friday for work, and Saturday we were busy and it was hot. My breathing was not right from mid-swim on...I haven't been using my inhaler, didn't need it, but probably could have used it during the race. But who knew?

Since I can't go back and change anything, I'll just have to chalk it up as "just one of those days."


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